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Veliko Tarnovo is the best place in Bulgaria!

For the sake of this place travelers should definitely visit sunny Bulgaria. The map below shows the main global locations in the city:

  •     Sveta Gora and Monument to the Assen Dynasty - from here you have one of the best views of Veliko Tarnovo old town
  •     Old Town Veliko Tarnovo - it is recommended to settle right here, in apartments with panoramic views.
  •     Tsarevets Fortress - is interesting especially for a half-day walk. There are beautiful views of nature around.
  •     Trapezica Fortress - the view opens from Tsarevich Fortress and there is not much to do there.
  •     The new town of Veliko Tarnovo - nothing special)
карта Велико-Тырново достопримечательности

Veliko Tarnovo is a city in the northern part, a real landmark of Bulgaria. It is reminiscent of the city of Berat in Albania. The town is located on 3 hills (Sveta Gora, Tzarevits, Trapezica) - panoramic stunning and unique views! It is worth to come here for 2 days for sure. Here you need to spend time on the sights, which you can drive to and walk around the city on foot. You can stay exactly in the old town, there will be panoramic views from the hotel on the entire area of the first hill - Sveta Gora. Below you will find a walking route #1 around the "heart" of Veliko Tarnovo, namely around the old town. There are other natural landmarks around Veliko Tarnovo, such as Raiskoto Praskalo Waterfall, Krushuna Waterfalls, and Devetashka Cave (Devetashka Cave, near Lovech and Devyataki). Between Veliko Tarnovo and Plovdiv are situated the town of Kazanlak and Koprinka. There is also the mountain Shipka. In this region is the famous valley of roses. Flowering begins on the 20s of May, so it is better to come here in early June.

Route number 1: General Gurko Street, the monument Asenivtsi, viewing platforms and restaurants on Stefan Stamblov Street.

We start the route from General Gurko street - we walk through the old town admiring the views of the old city and the Asenjevci Monument. We go down by "muddy" paths and steps, walk through the woods to the road, then to the end of the tunnel and again "dive" to the right into the woods on the path. It leads us to the Asenivtsi Monument, which is one of the best viewing points of the old city. This is by the way the first hill - Sveta Gora. Then we walk along the pedestrian bridge Stambolov. Or you can simplify the route number 1 - to drive / walk along General Gurko Street, then go back and reach the pedestrian bridge Stambolov. Park near S. Stambolov St. and visit the observation decks with local restaurants. From Stambolov Bridge, exit to Independence Boulevard, which turns into Stefan Stambolov Street - these two streets are a promenade with shopping and panoramic restaurants. We visited the Shtastliveca restaurant. During lunch and dinner there is a line of waiting seats outside, you need a reservation in advance to sit on the terrace with views. The prices are average, the views are gorgeous! The food is of local Bulgarian cuisine and is of decent quality. But we didn't get any relaxation, everything is hustling like in a market, the hubbub is like in a hen house and all this is combined with smoking through one table!!! Stefan Stambolov street has three viewing platforms. You can not drive up to them, you have to park somewhere in the distance and stomp, by the way, as well as all the restaurants. The best view opens with the first observation deck, which is harder to find and easy to skip when you walk. The other two sites are large, with painted walls, they can be seen well, but the views are weaker there)

карта холмов Велико Тырново
Велико-тырново маршрут №1 прогулки вокруг старого города (ул. Генерала Гурко, памятник Асеневцы, смотровые площадки и рестораны на улице Стефан Стамблов)
Панорама с ул. Генерала Гурко
Вид с отеля в старом городе Велико-Тырново на улице Генерала Гурко (например Tarnovo Studios Адрес: 44 ulitsa "General Gurko", Veliko Tarnovo)
вид с ресторана Счастливеца (Shtastliveca)
Панорама старого города от памятника Асеневцы (первый холм Света Гора)
Вид на старый город с пешеходного моста Стамболов
проход к смотровой площадке №1 на ул. Стефан Стамболов
смотровая площадка с улицы Стефан Стамболов
на ул. Стефан Стамболов две другие смотровые площадки выглядят так, их видно издалека и со стороны, когда будете проходить рядом

Route #2: Tsarevets Fortress (the second hill of Veliko Tarnovo) - Trapezica Fortress - Arbanasi village.

So if you continue to the end along Stefan Stambolov Street, it will lead you to the fortress of Tsarevets. It is a landmark, not only in the city, but in Bulgaria as a whole. You can continue to the hiking route #1 or you can come here by car. There is no parking near the fortress itself. In May it was possible to stand next to it, but there are only 3 places... The parking lot is located on the right and below the fortress, it is relatively large, but it is better to come early. Tickets to the fortress are sold across the road, there is a sign. The price is 10 BGN per person and you have to pay only cash. You have to spend at least 2 hours for the walk. You have to go up to the top, there you will get the best panorama and you have to walk around the fortress along its perimeter to the right and then quite a lot to the left. From the left side there are views to the opposite side of the old town Veliko Tarnovo (which is not visible on the route #1), the fortress Trapezica and the village Arbanassi. After looking at the hill and the ruined fortress of Trapezica, it is obvious that there is nothing to do there. We went to Arbanassi after all, but there is nothing to do there! Beautiful fences and houses... It's funny) Except that before reaching the right turn to Arbanasi, on the left there is a turn with a path along the mountain, which offers a gorgeous view of Tsarevets. On the right side of Tsarevets are views of Little Bulgaria Park, the park of the country package. Nothing to do either, you can see everything from above) And also where in the foliage hides the ruined fortress of Devingrad (Momina Fortress).

историческая карта 3-х крепостей (Трапезица, Царевец, Девинград)
крепость Царевец - вид со входа
крепость Царевец - вид с самого верха крепости (часовня). Видна справа вся разрушенная крепость Трапезица
крепость Царевец - вид с правого края внутри крепости
крепость Царевец - вид с улицы, ведущей к старому городу "Sveti Kliment Ohridski"
дорожки внутри крепости Царевец

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