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The sights of Arambol are nothing but marketing

All over Goa, by and large, there is nothing to see. And when people come to a new place, the question becomes, "What to see? What to do?" That's where all the fiction of sightseeing comes from.

Arambol attraction number one - the sacred banyan and baba

The banyan is a tree that is considered sacred in India. On the beach of Arambol it is proposed to make a path through a "mini jungle". It is like a pilgrimage. Although this tree is then found throughout Goa many, many times and it is not necessary to wade through the jungle. But in Arambol, "not just a tree," under it sits the guru, Baba, the healer and medium. Who has supposedly renounced worldly goods and lives in harmony with nature in the bosom of nature. The road on the maps leads to one Baba. But the most interesting thing is that if you turn aside and go further, you will find more such trees and such Baba, 4 pieces. The point is that tourists bring them something, including money, as an offering. As a result, it already looks like a business. On the Internet they write "the main Baba," to whom the trail leads, in the rainy season, "packs up his rods" and goes to his mansion in London... Again, you can watch the Indian film on this subject, "P.K.". It beautifully shows people's faith, their fears, etc.

Is it worth going to see Banyan and Baba (emphasis in the second a)? If you have time, you should. It is an interesting walk. The path is comfortable enough. There is a coolness from the trees in the jungle.

How do I get to the lake and the banyan trees?

From the end of Arambol Beach around Mount Arambol, there is a road - a path that leads all the way to the "Sweet Lake". There are vendor tents along the road. There is no way to get lost, the road is the only one. To the left of the lake (face looking at the loungers on the lake) begins a trail into the jungle. It is so treaded that you will not get lost either, despite the fact that there are no signs anywhere. When you get there you will see the picture in the photo below. On the way back, almost to the beach (shown on the map) begins the ascent from the lake to the mountain Arambol. Be sure to go up, the panorama of the beach is beautiful. Then go down the path from the beach. There are no signs, if you doubt, ask the locals: Sweet lake, tree, sea view (respectively), they will gladly show you the way. The whole walk will take about 3 hours at a leisurely pace.

Карта маршрута по достопримечательностям Арамболя
Достопримечательность Арамболь №1 - священный баньян и баба
Достопримечательность Арамболь №2 - озеро "Sweet Lake"

Lodging in Arambol coincides with the shopping malls. There is no accommodation on the beach, not even a halabud. All the stores are stalls, the accommodations are "hotels" are located along the road, as shown on the map.

Карта торговых рядов Арамболя
Достопримечательность Арамболь №3 - рынок

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