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Kamianka waterfall - is it a sightseeing attraction? The nature is beautiful, but in all Karpaty nature is also beautiful

In the Karpaty in September 2018 were passing through, the overnight stay was in the town of Skole. We decided to take a walk, explore the surroundings. Of the local attractions we chose two that are close by. This waterfall Kamianka and Crane Lake (Dead). The Karpaty Route is good enough, but in order to get to the beauties of nature had to leave it (on the map shown on the drive "Z"). And then to say that the waterfall leads to the road does not work. For Ukrainians it may be expensive, but if someone comes to visit from Europe and decided to look at the nature of Ukraine, there will be a mishap. The maximum speed on this road is limited to 20 km / h, the main 5-10 km / h. In such a rhythm it is necessary to drive for about 30 minutes. We have arrived at the first point of interest - Kamenka waterfall. Nearby there are about 10 houses selling food and souvenirs and of course the waterfall (photo below). Well, we decided that maybe the lake is more spectacular.

Карта проезда от Сколе до водопад Каменка и озеро Журавлиное
Водопад Каменка (Сколе, Карпаты)

Crane Lake - is it a tourist attraction? Travel time to the lake is 1 hour, time on the lake is 10 minutes.

Next is the same road, but we decided to walk 300 meters. We reached the sign to the lake, there was also a place for parking and benches. The sign to the lake pointed upwards. The ascent was of medium difficulty. We couldn't call it a trail, rather a place where streams run from melting snows in the spring. The ascent of about 30 minutes at a leisurely pace. The lake is really very beautiful. In the mirror-like smooth surface reflected trees - you get a picture created by nature. However, you can not walk around the lake, there are no trails in the woods for walking. As a result, you drive along the "broken" road, "scrape" on the stones and roots of trees for an hour in order to stand for 10 minutes to admire the beautiful scenery.

If you rest in the Karpaty near Skole, then walk safely - there is a straight path to the lake, like for 7 hours of walking) But if you are a passerby, and you think to drop in, see the sights on the way - we do not advise. You will not get the pleasure that you expect. Admire the nature of the Karpaty Mountains while driving on the highway!

Журавлиное озеро (Мертвое озеро) в Карпатах
Журавлиное озеро в Карпатах (Сколе)

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