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Dresden sights in 1 day, or rather half a day)

All the beautiful architectural buildings are gathered in one place and are located on the waterfront of the Elbe:

  •     Zwinger
  •     Dresden Castle
  •     Brühl Terrace

A visit will take 2-3 hours.

The best view of the sights of Dresden is from the bridge on the side of the Terrace Brühl.

It is not necessary to go here especially. If the route lies nearby, you can take a walk. But of course if you're not a fan of architecture) Architecture here is great and for amateurs it's very interesting.

Карта пешего маршрута по Дрездену на 2-3 часа
Набережная Дрездена - лучшая панорама с моста со стороны Террасы Брюля
Дрезденский замок

Dresden - the shopping center of Germany

What you absolutely have to do is walk through the many stores in the malls. There are a lot of shopping centers, and you can't even count the stores. This is what you can do the rest of the day. The map below shows the regions where all the stores are located. If you are not a fan of shopping, then there is nothing more to see in Dresden)

Регионы ТЦ в Дрездене

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