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Koktebel is the Crimean cradle - a perfect place for recreation and walks

Here you can come at any time of year) Koktebel stretches along the coast a strip of chic beach and equipped promenade. Around the mountains for walks. In other words, there is everything! Lodging close to water, you can comfortably settle. Prices are reasonably affordable).

Koktebel attractions:

  •     Promenade - the whole promenade from Kara-Dag Mountain to the mountain of the other side of Koktebel village is a fully equipped walking alley (3-4 km).
  •     Kara-Dag is a mountain/reserve. Definitely recommend a visit. All along the embankment of Koktebel, excursions are sold. Hike to Kara-Dag is a walking route from Biostation to Koktebel. To Biostation you will be brought, there with the guide you will walk, on very easy and very picturesque paths, to settlement Koktebel. Chic walk for the velvet season!!!
  •     Walk Ordzhonikidze - Koktebel - an independent walking walk for 6 hours with a leisurely step with a rest stop. To the center of Ordzhonikidze to get from the bus station Koktebel. From there to pass a small embankment and to begin to rise in mountain directly behind a beach. You will not get lost. Keep a landmark on Koktebel and only forward!
Маршрут Орджоникидзе - Коктебель
гора Кара-Даг весной (в мае)
Панорама на гору Кара-Даг осенью в октябре с "Нового Коктебеля"
Панорама Коктебеля со стороны Орджоникидзе
Панорама Орджоникидзе - с тропы на Коктебель
Панорама на Кара-Даге - по пути от Биостанции до Коктебеля
Панорама на пути Орджоникидзе - Коктебель

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