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Shevchenko Park is the best viewing platform in Dnieper. A place to meet the sunset - you can't think of a more romantic place... By the way, the park is a favorite place for students and couples in love! So the atmosphere of youth and carelessness hangs here.

The park consists of two parts: wild and landscaped. We start the walk with the upper part from the main gate to the park and move through the abandoned right part of the park - a solid forest and a place to walk the dogs) At the extreme right point will open up a view of the no less abandoned stadium. There is not much to see here, the paths are overgrown with grass, everything is dilapidated and there are no benches even. On the way down we meet a working tennis court. On our way down we meet a working tennis court. But it looks as abandoned too, how people find it is unclear... At the very bottom the pearl of the park - the observation deck to the very heart of the Dnieper. Here of course is the best part of the walk in the park and the Dnieper in general. On summer evenings exactly here couples in love rush to meet the sunset. If it were not for the bridge, the sun's disk would sink directly into the water. But the bridge does not hinder a bit, even perhaps that complements the entertainment) There is also a nice, but already "shabby" fountain.

At the bottom of the park also begins a footbridge - the transition to the Monastery island, if you want the walk can continue in this direction.

If your purpose exactly park, then we turn up and move on paved paths with benches and lanterns. It is quite nice and cozy. There's a ropes park and a little corner for entertaining kids with rides and goodies.

Маршрут прогулки по парку Шевченко - основное это смотровая площадка
Парк Шевченко - центральные ворота
Парк Шевченко заброшенная часть
Заброшенный стадион возле парка Шевченко
Пешеходный мост на Монастырский остров
Фонтан в парке Шевченко с видовой площадкой на город
Закат в парке Шевченко с видовой площадки
Прогулочные аллеи в парке Шевченко
Панорама Днепра

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