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Comparison of zoos in Rotterdam, Prague and Krakow - Europe's zoos - should you visit each of them?

Zoos are interesting for all ages. However, animals in cages are a rather depressing sight - these are zoos of the past. Children do not understand it yet, but an adult a second time such a zoo will not visit. If you search the search engine for a rating of modern zoos in Europe, Germany (Berlin) and England (London) stand out. The top 5-7 include Prague and Holland. The ranking is formed depending on the size of the zoo, the number of animal species and the way they are kept.

As part of a tour of Europe I was able to visit three zoos: Rotterdam, Prague and Krakow. The first two zoos can be recommended to visit. The animals are kept in large areas, with an area close to reality. Predators are fed whole chunks and carcasses of meat. What is not even clear is why admission tickets are so cheap. In Prague, the entrance ticket costs about 8 euros (200 Czech crowns to be exact). These two zoos have specially created pavilions with climates and inhabitants of Asian countries, there are aquariums and terrariums. A visit to each of these zoos takes at least 6 hours. It is best to navigate according to the signs, referring to the general map. Zoos are equipped with toilets, cafes, and places to rest. Parking is not a problem.

Zoo in Krakow is a relic of the past. Animals are kept in cages or in small unequipped areas. Visiting time is about 2 hours at a leisurely pace. Entrance ticket costs the same price range. You do not need to come here on purpose. Also there is no parking lot. The zoo is located on a hill. There is not much of a parking lot near the zoo itself and you have to walk uphill if you want to park in a lower lot.

    Rotterdam Zoo Blijdorp - Holland

Тапиры в зоопарке
Роттердамский зоопарк - животные свободно гуляют
  • Prague Zoo - Czech Republic


Карта зоопарка в Праге
Пражский зоопарк - животные гуляют свободно
  • Krakow Zoo - Poland

Карта зоопарка в Кракове
Краковский зоопарк - животные содержатся на небольших открытых территориях или вообще в клетках

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