The Corbusier Trail runs from Menton through Cap Martin to the Principality of Monaco
The trail is all "sunny", there's not much shade from the trees. This is why it's best to walk it in spring/autumn, or in summer, but after 6pm. The main views start from the side of Monaco, just behind the extreme point of the cape. It is better to move exactly from Menton to Monaco, then will be the whole principality as "coming" to you. If you go in the opposite direction, all the views will be behind you.
On the map, a solid line runs from Menton to the first beach behind the cape. Then the trail is marked with a dashed line. This is due to the fact that the road seems to be there and the signs are all there... But if you continue along it all the way to Monaco, there are two fences waiting for you to climb) Which we did in October 2019. The first fence is not difficult for a middle-aged adult to climb. But the second fence is much higher than the first... and is already in an area with people. Climbing over in front of everyone is not comical... But what to do... we have already passed so much) Below are the photos of the fences.
The trail Corbusier interesting only if you rest in Menton and decide to walk in the evening at Cape Martin. It's just for the view of Monaco and then you'll be on your way back. To make the path a must-see and to walk it all the way to Monaco makes no sense at all... that's not recommended!
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