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Grlo Sokolovo is a panoramic bench with picturesque countryside!

If you drive straight from Budva, the route to Koryt is about 2 hours. It is definitely worth coming here. Below is a detailed route, otherwise you can get confused on the spot... Grlo Sokolovo is essentially a panoramic platform with two benches, which is located on the outskirts of the village of Koryto. You can get to the observation deck itself by jeep or quad bike. But it is better to walk here) It takes 20 minutes in one direction. The panoramic bench is set so that we are sitting in Montenegro, but we are looking at the mountains of Albania!

On the way we see a panoramic point - Trieshi, Delaj with gorgeous views! Driving to the village of Ivanovo Koryto, where Grlo Sokolovo is located, is better from Podgorica as indicated below, as there is an alternative road, but it is all in the pits... As a last resort, you can use it to visit Bukimir Lake on the same day...

Грло Соколово как добраться - маршрут на карте
Delaj панорама по пути в поселок Korita

In the village of Koryto you will first see a sign for Grlo Sokolovo - 2.6 km (drive straight ahead, slightly to the right), then there are two signs - follow the one that points to the left in a clockwise direction - 2.4 km. Next is a "homemade" sign) Just behind this one there are signs / markers on the rocks along the road - a white dot in a red circle. The trail leads clearly clockwise with a roundabout right into the woods. There will be markers on the rocks everywhere. There are only 2 benches at the observation deck. This should be borne in mind - at the weekend there is a lot of traffic and relaxation do not expect) Here the birds sing, but the number of people who do not close their mouths, leaves much to be desired) From the ruined church (on the outskirts of the village, it's convenient to park) to the panoramic benches walk 20 minutes.

поселок Корыто в пасмурный день
указатель №1 - 2,6 км Грло Соколово
указатель №2 - 2,4 км Грло Соколово
указатель №3 - "самодельный" и маркеры на камнях
за указателями - есть маркеры на камнях - путь по часовой стрелке
лавочка "Горло Соколово"
Панорама "Грло Соколово"
Грло Соколово - неизвестная Черногория (смотреть видео обзор)

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