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  •     Słowiński National Park is a huge area of forest slings, sand dunes and lakes.
  •     The moving sand dunes are the #1 attraction in the Słowiński Park Narodowy National Park.

How to get to Leba Dune?

The most picturesque place is considered "Wydma Łącka" - the highest point in the dunes, which offers a panorama of the entire area 360, including the sea, the lake and of course the sand dunes. The map below shows the parking lot "Słowiński Park Narodowy. Obwód Ochronny Rąbka" (7 PLN per hour), from there, according to the signs, you must walk 3 minutes to the ticket office of the park. The entrance fee is 7 PLN. A little further from the entrance is electric cars - 17.5 PLN per person one way to the dunes. Hire of other transport is not available. electric scooters are prohibited. You can ride a bike, but you have to rent one in the town of Leba, which is 8 km away. By the way, in Leba is a large parking lot "Parking Wydmy Ruchome" and there is a bike rental "Wypożyczalnia rowerów w kierunku wydm". The parking lot, the one on the map below, is small and during the season it will be jammed... That's why the parking lot in Leba, from which, by the way, there is a transport specifically to the entrance to the park.

Словинский национальный парк как добраться
Словиньский национальный парк на карте
дюны на карте в Словиньском парке (маршрут от парковки)
парковка и прокат велосипедов в Лебе для поездки на движущиеся дюны
электрокар в Словинском парке

Słowiński National Park What to see?

From the entrance to the park (Słowiński Park Narodowy. Obwód Ochronny Rąbka) to the dunes 1.5 hours on foot or 15 minutes by electric car. Therefore, it is better to take an electric car to the dunes, walk there for at least an hour and walk back if you prefer.

The route of the walk through the dunes in two directions - first, the highest point of the dunes Wydma Łącka, from which you can see the lake, the sea and all the sands, and then descend and go to the sea, listening to the creaking sand).

In total, a walk through the park from 1.5-3 hours)

Словинский парк дюны - панорамная площадка Wydma Łącka
Словиньский парк пляж
Движущиеся песчаные дюны

The map below shows routes through the park. The dotted arrows are on foot, the long arrows are bicycle, electric car, or also on foot)

Словинский парк маршруты

The sand can "sing," or rather make sounds when you walk on it. Earlier we met this only on Karon beach in Thailand (Phuket Island). In Slowinski Park, this sand is on the beach.

поющий песок в Польше (Леба)

Polish dunes are a unique phenomenon. Despite the fact that we were on safari in Egypt and the UAE, it turned out to be no less interesting in Leba. This is due to the fact that the Polish dunes are moving! According to the information from the Internet whether by 1 or 10 meters per year) But this fact is visible when you climb the dunes and before your eyes opened the sight of filled up trees!

Польские дюны движутся

It takes 2 hours to get here from Gdańsk, but honestly, it's worth it. It seems like there's nothing to see, but the atmosphere in Slowinski Park is a place of power! There's a sense of harmony and time flies by without being noticed, we spent over 2 hours in the park, and it felt like an hour had passed!!! By the way, you can grab some food for the fox, which comes out to meet people near the dunes themselves)

Лиса в Польше вышла к людям

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