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Vilkovo - "Ukrainian Venice" in the Odessa region? - No, of course not!

The nature is beautiful around! And that's all - the river, the forest. Riding on the boat there are two options: fast and expensive, slow and cheap. What to choose? One is not better than the other.

You choose the fast boat - you'll cruise down the Danube riverbed to 0 km "at wind speed" - blowing very hard. A slow boat - you'll be sailing for 4 hours!!! The views are the same ones you will see at the beginning at the pier.

0 km is a PR move - the river flows into the sea! Open space in nature - windy, wasteland. If you are nearby, you can go out with a tent to that area for a picnic. But go as on the tour and pay more than 1000 USD. definitely not! There is nothing to see - it is not Venice. There are no crowds of flamingos and crocodiles too) It's just a beautiful nature of Ukraine!

Вилково - причал - старт прогулки
Вилково - русло Дуная - виды, которые будут Вас сопровождать 1-4 часа
Вилково - финиш маршрута - 0 км
Вилково - конечная точка - Дунай впадает в Черное море - 0 км

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