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What is a homeopathic medicine cabinet? Can a traveler's medicine cabinet be from homeopathy?

This is just the essentials, so that there are no overshadowing moments! Originally our first aid kit, like many people's, consisted of medical "allopathic" drugs. Over time, some of the medications have been replaced by homeopathic. Today, our traveler's medicine cabinet consists of 90% homeopathy!

Advantages of homeopathic medicine cabinet: small weight and not much volume. You can pour medications from jars into ziplock bags. In this way, you can take a wide range of drugs. The main thing is to sign the bags. Colored price tags can be glued inside the bags. For today we have upgraded the first aid kit and made it functionally convenient. To do this we used a boxy week for vitamins (here are placed the most commonly used drugs, so there are more than others) and professional first aid kit (here the products of emergency need and "just in case"), order it online company Lucky-Pharma. Drugs in the first aid kits are not repeated, and complement the overall assortment.

How to transport such a homeopathic kit? It is IMPORTANT to have it in your luggage bag. In this way, the preparations will be inspected minimally, with minimal exposure during inspections at airports. It is also advisable to wrap the bag of medications in aluminum foil to protect against radiation.

Here is a list of medications of prime necessity. The list is compiled from personal experience over 10 years! Drugs may have a wider range of action, we give exactly what we have encountered to a greater or lesser degree with 100% result. All data are consistent with the information from the book "Homeopathic pharmacodynamics" by N.M. Vavilov (in two volumes). Some preparations were not used personally, but they have a directed effect, that's why they are added to the list.

Since the following are drugs intended in one way or another for emergency measures, so the dilution (potencies) of homeopathic drugs are recommended as low as possible - 3, 6 (the best option), 12, or at least 30. Homeopathy can be used for infants and animals, but you should dissolve 1-2 peas in 50-100 ml and give not large portions (by teaspoon) until symptoms disappear. You can repeat every 15-30 minutes. Shake the solution before repeating.

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Homeopathic first aid kit composition - Traveller's kit 100%

Emergency preparations of various kinds - so that nothing would bother you while traveling, it's a good idea to have the following items on hand.

  •     Fear and Anxiety - Argentum nitricum. Often such fears are manifested on the eve of a trip, fear of oversleeping, of being late for a flight, of forgetting something, etc. Symptoms: can range from headaches and diarrhea to the usual but annoying yawning. Also may feel heaviness, pressure in the stomach for no particular reason.
  •     Motion sickness, all kinds of flickering of objects including (sea, air, automobile) - Cocculus indicus, 12. Symptoms: dizziness, headaches, nausea.
  •     Abrupt onset of any disease - Aconitum napellus. Symptoms: Compulsive fears, including death. Used when pain begins suddenly - headache, high fever, fever. Relevant to seizures and collapses, including cardiovascular. Suitable for infrequent administration in the first 2 days of influenza, food poisoning, etc. Applies every 5 minutes in a hypertensive crisis. Suitable for fever without effusion, with the beginning of effusion more often already Belladonna is required.
  •     Extraordinary case, from sunstroke to heart attack, Camphora officinalis. Used as a last resort - for collapse, a sharp drop in blood pressure. Suitable for lingering influenza, with aggravation of pneumonia. Carbo vegetabilis is a collapse drug, with a cold, pale body and weak breathing ("solar plexus collapse"). It is also suitable for severe flatulence, for failure to expectorate. Acidum hydrocyanicum - coma, paralysis, no pulse. Pyrogenium - coma, fainting after an extremely rapid loss of strength. Veratrum albumin - collapse with coldness and weakness. Phosphorus - Spinal-brain drug for collapse or weakness.
  •     Trauma - Arnica. Best remedy for all kinds of injuries and bruises. Relieves pain, swelling, and prevents bruising. Soft tissue injuries - Arnica, glandular injuries - Conium, bone injuries - Ruta.
  •     Bruises last a long time and a thickening appears - Acidum sulfuricum.
  •     Injuries and sprains of muscles / ligaments - Rhus toxicodendron, when it comes to tendons and ligaments (first movement is worse, then it gets better). Ruta graveolens - injuries to bones and periosteum. Injury close to bones and ligaments. Brionia - worse from the slightest movement. Pinpoint pain in the joint. Strontium carbonicum - sprain of the ankle joint, including repetitive motion.
  •     Injuries with nerve damage, open wounds, all types of neurological pain - Hypericum. Also works great for facial and various muscular neuralgias. Universal remedy for all types of neurological pain, including dental pain, #1 for coccygodynia.
  •     Spinal injuries, coccygodynia - Conium, Castor equi, Hypericum
  • Bleeding - Phosphorus - of any nature, including internal, severe bleeding from the slightest puncture. Also second important remedy is Ipecacuana - bright scarlet blood. Dark thick blood from any/all orifices - Lahesis, Anthracinum, Crotalus cascavella. Acidum sulfuricum for bleeding.
  • Wound treatment / Antiseptics - Calendula - antiseptic for wounds, of any nature, for diaper rash. Hepar sulphur - purulent wounds or any sepsis (homeopathic antibiotic). Pyrogenium (abscesses with fever), Echinacea, Arsene Album, Lahesis (with blood infection), Baptisia (stinky abscesses).
  • Body Rash - Sulfur is suitable for any kind of skin rash, and as the final stage of any inflammatory process, especially bronchitis/influenza. Sulfur is a drug for intoxication of internal organs by diseases, such as intestinal poisoning by microorganisms of the genus E.coli and Candida - dysbacteriosis. The rash of infectious scarlet fever, typhoidosis - Ailanthus. Shiny smooth rash - Belladonna. Measles, fever - Pulsatilla. Rash with delirium and stupor, worse after sleeping - Lahesis. Scarlet fever without rash, no mucus, nibbling skin of lips and nose - Arum triphyllinum. Crimson skin with sore throat, stench with thirst - Phosphorus.
  • Insect or animal bites - Ledum palustre, Hypericum. Relieves inflammatory and allergic reactions at the site of the bite. Also suitable for puncture and cut wounds. Apis - for stinging. Relieves swelling and redness of any nature, including on the throat during colds. After an insect bite, red streaks along the course of the lymph - Bufo, Lahesis, Pyrogenium. Guaco, Golondrina - antidote / prophylactic against snake bites, scorpions.
  • Swelling of body or separate areas with blue / black color (including after snake bites) - Lahesis, Tarantula, Anthracinum.
  • Edema - Argentum phosphoricum relieves swelling of certain areas of the body, limbs. Apis - swelling of any kind.
  • Burns, including with blisters (1st degree) - Urtica urens. Of any kind - sunburn, burns with boiling water or a chemical substance. Cantharis is also suitable for 2nd degree burns (with large blisters, but intact). For 3rd degree burns with deep tissue damage / pus, blisters open - Calendula. After burns, sore skin - Causticum.
  • Sunstroke - Glonoinum (analogous to Belladonna). Belladonna - redness, pounding in the head, sharp. Cuprum - cramps. Natrium carbonicum - weakness, nausea, diarrhea.
  • Fever and inflammation - Belladonna. Relieves symptoms associated with fever and redness on the face or body, from headache to flu. Also suitable for throbbing headaches, especially from heat.
  • "Sedative / Insomnia - Chamomilla - suitable for hysterical conditions or over-sensitivity to common pain. The #1 remedy for infants - for gas, colic and teething. Coffea - insomnia, tooth sensitivity and pain, emotional overstimulation. Pulsatilla pratensis - mood swings from tears to laughter and a quick change in symptoms of body pain. Effects of anger are neutralized - Hamomila, Staphysagria (not met expectations), Nux vomica (after irritation).
  • Allergic reactions - swelling of any mucous membranes - Apis, allergic rhinitis and bronchitis with white sputum - Arsene albumin, rash on body like hives - Urtica urensis, suffocation - Aconitum. Cuprum metallicum and Ipecacuana - asthmatic crisis.
  • Asthma / bronchitis - at the beginning of an attack - Aconitum. If sputum does not come out at all, there is wheezing, a slight cough and some mucus - Ipecacuanum, Arsene, Lobelia inflata. If no cough and no mucus comes out - Antimonium tartaricum. If loud wheezing - drink Sulfur often, if lung inflammation/pneumonia has started - Phosphorus. Bromine and Medorinum - if better by water, worse by dust. Chlorum - can't breathe out, Iodum - can't breathe in.
  • Relieves all the side effects of vaccination - Thuja is the #1 remedy, second is Sulfur, third is Silicea.
  • Nervous breakdown, "white fever", schizophrenia attack, psychosis / mania - Hyosciamus niger (severe nervous disorder, delirium, hallucinations, anger, eromania, tics, alcoholism) and Stramonium (fear / severe anxiety, no apparent pain with real problem), Agaricus muscarius (tics, seizures), Belladonna (violent insanity, desire to beat / destroy).
  • Burning pains of various etiologies - Cantaris, Apis, Arsene, Lahesis, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Tarantula.
  • Cramps - Cuprum metallicum.
  • Inflammation prolonged and hardening - Silicea, Graphite.
  • Appendicitis - Brionia, sharp pains in abdomen - Iris tenax.

Consequences of a fright:

If the fright was followed by physical illness, such as inflammation, Aconitum is required. If the fright caused mental symptoms, Ignacia. Opium - any manifestations after a fright.

Homeopathy for heart disease

  • Arrhythmia - Iberis amara - Arrhythmia of all kinds, from tachycardia with increased, to bradycardia with decreased pulse. It is also used for angina with reduced heart rhythms and for extrasystole with increased rhythms. Apocynum - arrhythmia, shortness of breath, low pulse + high blood pressure.
  • Digitalis, Crataegus, Convallaria, Strophantus, Cactus - cardiac weakness/failure. Digitalis - prescribe only low doses of 3 or 6, with special caution after myocardial infarction. All cardiac medications are prescribed in low doses.
  • Lactrodectus mactans - angina pectoris.

Homeopathy for poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation

Digestion is a very important part of the first aid kit. Since usually 2-3 days in a new place is always adaptation to the local water and food. This is especially true in Asian countries.

  •     Poisonings - Arsenicum album - all types of poisoning. Antimonium crudum - poisoning from meat, fruit, not fresh products, especially in the summer heat. Poisoning with foul gases - Pyrogenium, Anthracinum. Mercurias corosivus - Desinteria.
  •     Diarrhea / diarrhea - Podophyllum - remedy #1. worse in the morning, flatulence, diarrhea with running water. Stool under pressure. Teething in children. Lots of noises in the stomach and during stools. Profuse diarrhea. Sulfur - profuse liquid stools, mostly morning diarrhea. Arsene - "tourist's diarrhea." China - flatulence, watery painless stools, Aloe - diarrhea with fever, gas, holding stools with effort. Ipecacuana - diarrhea with vomiting / nausea at the same time (liquid molasses with foam, yellow-green + colic and gut rubs). Alumina - soft stools like mashed potatoes, light in color. Dioscarea, Brionia, Sodium sulfuricum - morning diarrhea almost water. Graciola, Croton tiglium - liquid watery diarrhea. Nux vomica - for overeating, but little stool. Aetusa and Hamomila - infant diarrhea - teething, green mush. Veratrum albumin - vomiting and diarrhea at the same time.
  •     Liver / gallbladder - Chelidonium. Symptoms: pain under the right lower rib - liver, bitterness in the mouth. Carduus marianus - for liver colic. Lycopodium clavatum - liver disease with constipation and bloating. Earlier, the medicine Hepabene was used instead. Tabacum, Lahesis - if blood poisoning.
  •     Renal colic/stones - Berberis vulgaris, Belladonna, Aconitum.
  •     Overeating and hangover - Nux vomica. Symptoms: heaviness in the stomach, nausea immediately after eating. Relieves hangover syndrome the next morning. Also suitable for relieving the effects of any other homeopathic drug. Previously the medical drug Mesim was used. Antimonium crudum is suitable for overeating, especially not fresh food. Zinc relieves wine headaches. Pulsatila - overeating fatty foods, Arsen albumin - overeating fruit.
  •     Stomach pain/gastritis - Pulsatilla. Abies nigra - food as standing in the stomach. Nux vomica - after eating, some of the food like goes up and stands. Antimonium crudum - constipation / old man's diarrhea, stomach medication.
  •     Anthelmintics - Spigelia, Cina artemisia.
  •     Vomiting - Ipecacuanha - remedy #1 for vomiting and bleeding of any nature (nausea / vomiting on an empty stomach, tongue clean). Sour vomiting / bile eating, especially at night - Iris versicolor. Pulsatilla - nausea and vomiting immediately after excessive eating, tongue swollen. Antimonium crudum - nausea and vomiting after excessive food, especially meat and not fresh, especially in summer, tongue swollen.
  •     Colic and cramps - in an infant and beyond - Colocynthis - leg cinching, desire to curl up in half. Carbo vegetabilis - gas, bloating. Dioscorea villosa - arching back. Lycopodium - colic with constipation. Antimonium crudum - regurgitates undigested milk. Magnesium carbonicum - tight tummy from cramping, twisting. Hamomila - nervous colic, teething diarrhea, doesn't want to get off his arms. Aethusa cynapium - colic medicine for infants, regurgitation of undigested milk.
  •     Constipation - Hydrastis canadensis - feces in lumps with mucus. Opium - feces "goat feces" sprinkled directly. No cravings. Alumina - soft stools that may come out with difficulty. May be during the transition to artificial nutrition. Brionia - constipation due to dryness, no urges, copious, hard stools. Nux vomica - not full stools, feeling that not all came out, too hard stools. Plumbum.
  •     Gases - Opium, Terembintina, Lycopodium, Carbo vegatabilis, Sulfur, Colchicum, Graphite (inflates the stomach and does not pass gas), Acidum phosphoricum - gases like overflow with a sound in the intestines. Agaricus - gas after every meal (won't go away), fermentation in intestines from any foods, intestinal wall disease. Mercurias solubilis - gas that does not go away with bowel wall pain.
  •     Colitis, Enterocolitis - Aloe, Mercurias solubilis/sublimatis, Ferrum phosphoricum, Phosphorus.
  •     Liver cirrhosis - Phosphorus (fatty degeneration).
  •     Gastric/pancreatic ulcer - Phosphorus.
  •     Cholera - Cuprum, Camphor, Veratrum album.

The respiratory system is no less important, because of the possibility of hypothermia during bathing, under air conditioning or because of the unaccustomed morning and evening temperature change.

Homeopathy for colds, colds, runny nose, cough, sore throat

Colds are easier to prevent and knock out at the very beginning - for this there are drugs for the beginning of colds. Then it is necessary to follow the course of the disease and give drugs that correspond to a clearly defined stage. At the stage of sneezing and runny nose is not worth giving hepar sulfur or antimonium tartaricum. This is like "shooting guns at sparrows"!

  •     An antiviral, antibacterial, anti-allergic agent is Arsenicum album. At the first symptoms of the disease is completely able to block it! Relieves the course of respiratory allergic manifestations. Administration during the disease reduces the duration of the disease. Appointed for sneezing and pinching in the nose, which start after contact with sick people or hypothermia.
  •     Comprehensive therapy for colds - Antigripin - Aconitum mixture (used at the sudden onset of illness, including fever), Belladonna (for inflammatory processes occurring with redness, in this case the throat and fever attacks) and Gelsemium.
  •     Overcooling - Dulcamara. If you feel cold, chilled, don't wait for a runny nose or when some nerve begins to ache. Timely intake completely relieves the effects of short-term cooling. Bellis perenis - any illness that started from drinking cold drinks in the rarefied form (acts on the capillaries of the muscle fibers).
  •     Influenza, a viral infection - Gelsemium sempervirens. Symptoms: high fever (or no fever), liquid transparent not caustic! snot with sneezing. Medications include fizzy soluble tablets and warm drinking powders, mostly paracetamol-based, like Upsarin Upsa. It also relieves weakness in colds.
  •     Flu - Eupatorium perfoliatum. Symptoms: Body and bone aches. Most often when a cold is caused by the flu virus, i.e. contact with a sick person, then there will be fever and the above symptoms, then this is the need for this drug.
  •     Runny nose - Allium cepa. Symptoms: frequent sneezing, copious watery clear nasal discharge, with characteristic irritation of the entrance of the sinuses. The nose becomes red (up to the formation of crusts) and begins to pinch exactly on the outside. The runny nose may also be accompanied by lacrimation, but not acrid. Allium sativum is used for caustic lacrimation. Nux vomica - the nose is stuffy without a runny nose. Pulsatilla - one or the other nostril gets blocked during a runny nose. Apis - nasal congestion due to mucous membrane swelling, no phlegm.
  •     Start of the inflammatory process - Ferrum phosphoricum - low temperature, reddened throat, sluggish course of the disease. Also suitable for stopping bleeding.
  •     Fever and very high fever - Aurum metallicum - red throat combined with high fever at the beginning of the disease. Aconitum, Gelsemium, Apis, Beladonna, Veratrum viride, Sulfur, Ferum phosphoricum.
  •     Glands - swelling, swelling, hardening, pain of tonsils - Apis, Brome (salivary-mandibular, auricular), Anthracinum, Mercurius iodatum, Rus toxicodendron, Silicea, Tarantula.
  •     Tumors are Arsenum, Conium, Hydrastis, Clematis.

If a cold from the nose descends into the throat and larynx, the following medications will be needed:

  •     Throat, trachea, bronchi - Belladonna - sore throat, with obligatory bright blazing redness. Apis - for redness of the throat, with swelling. Ignatia - for pressing, clenching pains during a cold. Can also be successfully used to relieve symptoms from fright caused by anything. A medication that relieves any side effect of freshly experienced grief. Of the medicines used are antispasmodics, such as Bronchodilatine. Ammonium bromatum is for farting and tickling in the throat. Ammonium carbonicum - feathery cough, as from a feather. Drosera - hoarseness, tracheitis. Tonsilitis - Apis, Arsene, Lahesis, Tartarntula. Corallum rubrum - bright red throat, lingering cold.
  •     Angina, tracheitis - Mercurius solubilis. Symptoms: Lingering cold, inflamed red throat, swollen tonsils. Pain from throat to chest to trachea. Also suitable for purulent diseases, including eyes and intestines. Previously used medication Trachysan. Laryngitis / Pharyngitis / Tonsilitis / purulent angina (successive alternate administration) - Belladonna and Hepar sulfur - before pus formation, Mercurias solubilis - active pus formation, Silicea, Sulfur - when pus is out.
  •     Phlegm traction from throat to larynx - Kalium bichromicum. Also used for orange/yellow sputum. Painful sinusitis.
  •     Hoarseness / hoarseness / "speaker's voice" - Silicea, Natrium muriaticum, Drosera, Argentum, Syphilinum, Colinsonia canadensis, Causticum, Grafitum, Selenium, Sulfur. Narrowing of the vocal cleft - Brome, Cuprum, Chlorine, Calcium phosphoricum, Lahesis, Belladonna.

The more protracted stages of a cold will require stronger artillery:

  • Cough - Bryonia - dry cough with chest pain. Chest pain may be stabbing without coughing when breathing, especially in the right lung. Hyosciamus niger - dry cough with attacks. Antimonium tartaricum (sits at night, otherwise cannot breathe from mucus), Calium carbonicum, Barium carbonicum (lung paralysis) - remedy for lingering cough, wheezing and phlegm, but which does not go away, pneumonia. Drosera - severe cough to vomiting and bleeding. Hepar sulphur - green sputum, during cough and runny nose. Ammonium carbonicum and Moschus (cough from stuffy throat. Cough of pneumonia with weakness of heart thrombosis. Nose congested with phlegm, breathing through mouth, weakness and panting of heart at slightest movement, forced to lie down. Wheezing mucus strong, lung paralysis, low pulse, fainting, white sputum) and iodatum - asthma and lingering bronchitis, pneumonia. Phosphorus - pneumonia. Potassium hydroiodatum - pulmonary edema with wheezing sisya in the chest. Foamy greenish sputum, not much. Carbo vegetabilis - wheezing and cold extremities.

Homeopathy for headaches and vascular disease

  •     Hypertension. Glonoinum and Veratrum viride are high blood pressure headache preparations. The main preparations of hypertension, which is accompanied by fever in the head. It is better from a cold dressing. The only difference is Glonoin - sitting bent over and holding his head with his hands, Veratrum viride - lying down! Aurum metallicum - very high blood pressure, there is a fear that the pressure rises at night and it rises exactly at night.
  •     Tension headaches. Occipital pain - Staphysagria (pain of disappointment, unfulfilled hopes, from quarrels / scandals, when suppressing emotions, from anger). Gelsemium - pain from the back of the head and neck to the forehead, with weakness. Natrium muriaticum - pounding hammers, emotional tension. Nux vomica - irritability, worse from movement. Pulsatilla - sensitivity, tears, puberty.
  •     Headaches after head injuries / concussions - Arnica, Heliborus niger, Hypericum, Sodium sulfuricum (concussion). Cicuta virosa - seizures and convulsions after brain injury, spinal meningitis, idiosyncrasy.
  •     Left-sided headache - Teridion, Laucerazus, Naya.
  •     Headache from joy - Coffea, from sorrow - Ignatia.
  •     Headache from sun - Belladonna (throbbing, fever, overheating), Gelsemium, Glonoin, Lahesis, Natrium carbonicum, Selenium.
  •     Headache from sorrow and grief - Ignacia (pain like a nail).
  •     Diseases of veins and hemorrhoids - Hamamelis and Aesculus (blood stagnation, including in internal organs, from the liver, blunt pain in the lower back, pain in the sacrum when standing up, walking and bending. Venous enlargement with purple dark color), Lachesis. Acidum muriaticum /fluoricum, Carbo vegetabilis, Calcarea fluorica, Apis - varicose veins, Calcarea fluorica, Aloe - hemorrhoids. Agaricus - pain in the sacrum when sitting due to venous stasis.
  •     Lycopodium - varicose veins + liver (right side lesion).
  •     Headache with poisoning - Arsenus (chills).
  •     Headache worsens with movement - Brionia.

Homeopathy for diseases of the nervous system and the psyche

  •     Argentum nitricum - fear of the "new", disturbance of coordination and/or consciousness. Weakness, trembling. Dizziness with eyes closed. Pain when standing up in the sacrum and lower back. Nerve disorders. Stomach neuralgia - "lump standing." Migraine. Epilepsy from fright or menstruation.
  •     Causticum - exhaustion of the nervous system.
  •     Natrium muriaticum - diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
  •     Tarantula - spasms and twitching.
  •     Phosphorus - fainting due to lack of circulation (syncope).
  •     Agaricus - weakness from nervous system, shaky movements, shooting pains.
  •     Zinc - weakness from the nervous system. Exhaustion, convulsions,paralysis, constant leg movements and head shaking, Vita dancing (Stamonium, Migale, Ignacia).
  •     Gnafalium - numbness, sciatica/neuralgia.
  •     Cicuta - attack of epilepsy with foaming and convulsions.
  •     Giosciamus - Convulsions, attack of epilepsy / chorea (Agaricus).
  •     Urtica urensis - Shingles / herpes (Variolinum).
  •     Aurum - A drug of the brain.
  •     Causticum, Acidum sulphuricum, Sujfur, Silicea - paralysis (facial nerve - Causticum), ankle tucking, diseases of the spinal cord and brain. Crooked neck - Causticum.
  •     Anacardium - debility of mind and memory. Hypochondria, feelings of persecution. Bifurcation of personality, including body and mind. Believing oneself to be the devil.
  •     Cannabis indica - split personality, hallucinations, catalepsy, delirium, imaginary loneliness, possession of demons, hashish poisoning.
  •     Conium - dizziness while lying down, when turning the head/eyes.
  •     Cyclamen - flickering, whirling of objects, rhenium disorder.
  •     Belladona, Cuprum, Giosciamus, Starmonium, Veratrum album - madness, insanity, delirium.
  •     Ranunculus bulbosus, Bryonia, Rus toxicodendron - intercostal neuralgia, herpes.

Homeopathy for diseases of the urogenital organs

Genitals - diseases are often chronic, but due to a change of climate, internal inflammatory processes can become active.

  •     Lower abdomen and lumbosacral area - Helonias (Chamaelirium luteum). Pulling, aching pains due to inflammation of the ovaries and uterus. May be associated with hypothermia or overheating. The remedy is "uterine tonic!"
  •     Uterine tightness - Murex purpurea, Sepia.
  •     Uterine preparations - Sepia, Aurum, Argentum nitricum, Gelonias, Platina, Palladium, Lilium tigrinicum.
  •     Soreness of intercourse - Sepia, Platinum, Thuja, Ferrum, Nutrium muriaticum.
  •     Vaginal dryness - Belladonna.
  •     Vaginal bleeding - Creosotum.
  •     Ovarian stabbing - Apis.
  •     Cystitis - Cannabis sativa (accompanied by pinching) and Cantharis (burning pains of all kinds). For recreation can be very useful because of hypothermia in the water. Relieves spasms in the urinary canal, removes the urge to urinate. Causticum, Hyosciamus niger - incontinence / leakage of urine. Kreosotum - burning during and after urination, corrosive sores with itching - helps heat. An alternative alopathic medication may be Cystenal. Cystitis after sex - Staphysagria (the first-night-of-marriage drug). Equisetum, Dulcamara. Apis - lack of urine. Sulfur - fluid flowing white discharge with pinching in the urethra - due to intoxication / dysbacteriosis of the intestine (vagina).
  •     Cracking of mucous membranes - Acidum nitricum. Unusual food can cause a displacement of the microflora in the intestines, which as a consequence can affect the genitals in the form of cracking.
  •     Bladder and kidney diseases - Berberis - kidney pulling, fever, weakness. Acidum oxalicum.
  •     Kidney pain - Terebintin.
  •     White discharge/ thrush - Borax.
  •     Stinky urine - Acidum benzoicum, Formica rufa.
  •     Cysts in the breasts - Conium.
  •     Cysts in the ovaries - Silicea.
  •     Pain in the mammary glands (left) - Brome.
  •     Weakness after polution/ejaculation - Dioscorea, Digitalis, Selenium.
  •     Impotence - Chlorum, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Sulfur, Calcium carbonica. Phosphorus - after abstinence or excess. Takes away the "excess" of boner. Agnus castus - senile sexual impotence with great libido and sexual activity in youth.
  •     Libido absence - Calladium.
  •     Involuntary urination (incontinence) / enuresis - Causticum (any time of day), Natrium muriaticum, Scilla, Equisetum. Creosote, Pulsatilla, Sepia - at night, due to psyche.
  •     Genital diseases of women - Pulsatilla, Lilium tigrinicum, Sepia.
  •     Diseases of genitals of men - Pulsatilla, Aurum, Agnus castus.

Homeopathy for Skin Diseases

  •     Whole body itching - Anthracinum, Meserium, Psorinum, Aceticum acidum.
  •     Itching of the skin, separate areas, formations - Barium aceticum.
  •     Boils - Anthracinum, Arnica, Sulfur, Mercurius solubilis, Silicea.
  •     Stinking pus - Arsenus, Mercurius solubilis, Anthracinum, Acidum nitricum. Inflammation from pus - Arsenus, Pyrogenium.
  •     Skin burns - Cantaris, Urtica urensis.
  •     Skin cracking - Silicea, Graphite, Sarsaparilla, Malandarin, Formica rufa.

Homeopathy for toothache

  •     Coffea - toothaches and facial neuralgia from them.
  •     Hypericum perforatum - tooth sensitivity. First preparation after sanation of a tooth in which the nerve was preserved.
  •     Mercurias solubilis - bleeding and other gum diseases.
  •     Hekla lava, Symphytum, Calcium phosphoricum, Silicea, Ruta - preparations for eliminating tooth root caries, for bone repair. They are also used after tooth extraction.

Here are the preparations not of the first importance, but of no less importance.

  •     The dissolving of various kinds is Silicea. It is a 100% working preparation, but you have to be sensitive to it. For example, it should not be used immediately after stitches, because it causes their dissolution. It works great for purulent processes, cysts of internal organs, etc. Causes dissolution of scar tissue, removing adhesions - the main thing is not to use immediately after surgical interventions! This drug "cuts without a knife", using it you can avoid surgical intervention! Suitable for natural removal from the body of the skid and any other foreign objects. A preparation for long-term and chronic purulent processes, it is prescribed after Hepar sulphur and Sulphur. Similarities with Conium - hardening of glands (including mammary glands), tumors, post-traumatic effects.
  •     Remission of intoxication - tobacco - Caladium, Tabacum, alcohol - Spiritus quercus.
  •     Hypochondria - Helleborus niger, Aurum muriaticum.
  •     Hair loss - Acidum phosphoricum (from grief, worry)
  •     Alcoholism - Nux vomica (dry, lean, irritable, heartburn), Strychninum (alkaloid from Nux vomica) - reducing cravings for alcohol. Carbo vegetabilis (puffy, especially torso, lazy, gas), Acidum sulfuricum (lean, "sour"), Petrolium. If problems from childhood, look toward Calcium, Barium, if from family (unloved), Phosphorus. Sulfur and Lahesis - to cleanse the liver and the whole body from aldehyde intoxication. Agaricus - white fever, aggression.
  •     Leaking dogs and cats - Murex.
  •     Hoof cracks in cattle - Antimonuim crudum.
  •     Loss of strength in heat / from work - exhaustion - Coffea. Gelsemium - weakness from heat. Glonoin - the result of any heat, better to sit or walk, but not to lie down.
  •     Conjunctivitis / eye disease - Eufrasia, Mercurias solubilis / sublimatis, Ipecacuana.
  •     Diseases of the ear (middle / webbing) - Belladonna, Hepar sulfur, Tellurium, Capsicum. Aurum, Acidum nitricum - mastoid abscess, if chronic - Silicea.
  •     Birthmarks - Lycopodium, Acidum fluoricum.
  •     Climax + flushes - Lahesis, Acidum sulphuricum.
  •     Smelly armpits - Petrolium.
  •     Ingrown eyelashes, irregular growth of them growing inwards - Borax (tangling of hair tips into clumps), Graphit.
  •     Rashes, ulcers, dryness, peeling at the bend in the joints - Sepia, Natrium carbonicum.
  •     Weakness of the muscular apparatus of the legs (person falls for no reason) - Natrium carbonicum, Acidum sulfuricum, Causticum.
  •     Bone fractures / Bone necrosis - Calcium phosphoricum, Symphytum.
  •     Causticum - Tinnitus / ringing in the ears, panicles, warts, shortening of tendons - cramps the body.
  •     Rus toxicodendron, Bryonia - joint disease. Caulophyllum - pain of small joints (hands, feet).
  •     Colchicum - gout, rheumatism, flatulence, any bruised sutava - inflammation and puffiness.
  •     Ignatia, Iodine - diseases of the thyroid.
  •     Eufrasia - "tear substitute."
Гомеопатия - альтернативная медицина

Homeopathy for Pregnancy and Childbirth

  •     Preparation during pregnancy - dosage 200 every 20 days: Sulfur, Tuberculinum, Syphilinum - to avoid hereditary diseases of the fetus. Calcium Carbonicum / Phosphoricum / Fluoricum - if calcium is needed, according to mommy's constitution. Pulsatilla, Gelonias, Sepia, Ignacia - to support mommy's body (sexual system), including correcting hormonal/emotional background. Medorinum, Thuja - as needed.
  •     Hydrastis canadensis - the main drug for constipation of pregnant women.
  •     Tabacum - early pregnancy toxicosis.
  •     Cimicifuga (Actaea racemosa) - fear of labor. For rapid opening of the uterus (stimulation of labor) - repeat after the beginning of contractions. Toxicosis of pregnant women. Postpartum depression or psychosis. Pre-admission 1-2 months before labor removes postpartum pain and stillbirth.
  •     Caulophyllum - intensifies contractions, makes labor easier, prevents miscarriage due to uterine weakness, takes away pain after delivery. Two to three weeks before labor, once a day (dozing 12/30)every day until the birth itself.
  •     Pulsatile, Nux vomica - for contractions
  •     Bellis perennis - pain in abdominal muscles during pregnancy.
  •     Sepia - if any gynecological problems started after childbirth/miscarriage/abortion.
  •     Gelsemium - prevents miscarriage from negative emotions.
  •     Hamomila, Viburnum - for miscarriages.
  •     Sabina - for miscarriages, especially 3rd trimester, even if with blood. Also if it doesn't go "place" after delivery.
  •     Pulsatila, Cantaris, Hina - if the place doesn't come out after delivery.
  •     Nux vomica - nausea and vomiting in the morning in pregnant women.
  •     Bellis perenis - fatigue from walking in pregnancy.
  •     Arnica - medication after labor.
  •     Urtica urensis, Pulsatilla, Ricinus comunis, Agnus castus - lack of milk after childbirth.
  •     Pulsatilla - cystitis of pregnant women.
  •     Pulsatilla, Hamommila - abnormal development of the uterus during pregnancy. Pain of the uterine walls and/or abdomen.
  •     Causticum - cessation of milk in mothers.
  •     Asafoetida - increases lactation.
  •     Gelonias, Fraxinus americanus - takes away uterine hypertrophy.
  •     Arsene albumin - too intensivi movement in the pregnant fetus.

Homeopathy for infants

During the formation of the infant's digestive system and immunity, the child's body systems are being adjusted and there may be discomfort, which is easily resolved by minor adjustments with homeopathic medicines. The following key remedies can be highlighted:

  •     Aethusa cynapium (Aethusa cynapium) - the main drug of infants - colic, regurgitation of coagulated milk, diarrhea during teething and digestion of breast milk.
  •     Antimonium crudum, Calcium ostreatum, Calcium acetica - regurgitates coagulated milk + acid-flavored diarrhea.
  •     Colocynthus - cradles legs.
  •     Carbo vegetabilis - gas, bloating
  •     Dioscarea - back arching
  •     Lycopodium, umbilical colic.
  •     Magnesium carbonicum - stiff stomach from spasm, twists
  •     Syphilinum - if there are congenital deformities of internal organs
  •     Sulfur - reversal of day and night rhythms
  •     Rheum - weak teething + sour diarrhea with sour body odor.
  •     Mercurias, Calcarea carbonica, Silicea, Sulfur - non-growing fontanelle/cerebellum. Calcium phosphoricum - for reopening of the cerebellum.
  •     Alumina - constipation of infants, atony of even soft feces. Strabismus during teething.
  •     Belladonna - cramps of infants with hot skin, pupils dilated, cerebral congestion.
  •     Borax - stomatitis, aphthae of babies and nipples, cracked nipples of nursing mothers. Empty unpalatable breast milk.

Homeopathy for children

Children are like a clean slate. Unencumbered by their parents' illnesses, children are treated quite easily. There is a list of remedies that should always be on hand, especially if you have an infant.

  • Chamomilla is a basic teething medication. Diarrhea with green mush. Drug of caprice and anger. Covers crying and tantrums (does not want to get out of arms, sleeps only under rocking), diarrhea and colic. Hamomila and Ipecacuana - tantrums to get something (a toy, for example). If he gets it and calms down, it is these drugs, and if he starts a new tantrum because he wants something else, it is Sulfur.
  • Staphysagria and Kreosotum are "black teeth" in children. Not naturally fast caries, including baby teeth.
  • Calcium Carbonica (Calcarea) - fear of the dark and fear of being alone, frequent colds, urinary incontinence. This is a basic pediatric medication from 3-5 years of age! Late teething, rickets, smelly sweating, spinal curvature, no bone development. Pre-pregnancy girl's bleeding (Caulophyllum, if these bleeds are debilitating), heavy early menstruation. Calcium phosphoricum - similar problems with unnaturally yellow teeth. Stramonium - fear of the dark and aggression, including in adults. Causticum - fear of falling asleep in the dark.
  • Apis mellifica - a unique remedy if a child suddenly gets sick after a long vacation at sea. Abrupt change of the sea climate to the usual city can cause a sharp exacerbation of colds, meningitis, up to convulsions and comas with grinding of teeth. The peculiarity is worse from warm drinking and compresses, from the heater, etc. everything warm. Another similar drug is Helleborus niger - but the peculiarity here is pulling hands to head, with head tossing.
  • Sulfur, Calcarea carbonica, Acidum phosphoricum, Barita carbonica, Phosphorus, Silicea - drugs for spinal curvature and soft bones. Intake should be from left to right, using more than one drug if necessary.
  • Calcium - bone problems, curvature of spine, non-growing cerebellum, slow development. Carbonicum - if the child is fat, Phosphoricum - if thin. Silicea - if rickets.
  • Acidum hydrocyanicum - childhood paralysis, convulsions, lack of pulse, coma, animal bites and poisonous insects. The drug is also suitable for all the above described emergency cases in adults.
  • Pediatric convulsions - Belladonna (fever, fever, sharply), Hamomilla (teething, anger), Cuprum (for croup).
  • Argentum nitricum - any illness that comes from fear of exams (fear of failure, anxiety). Phosphorus - fear of storms and thunderstorms, Arsene albumin - fear of death, Tuberculinum - fear of dogs. Anacardium, Gelsemium, Picrinicum acidum - fear of examinations. Aetusa - fear of examinations with inability to learn and think, mental exhaustion, not concentrating.
  • Anthracinum - juvenile acne.
  • Calcium carbonic / phosphoric / fluoric, Hepar sulfur, Silicea - lymphatic diathesis in children.
  • Pulsatilla - if a teenage girl gets sick after her period starts, or her period does not start at all during puberty. Headaches during puberty.
  • Sulfur is a major drug of adolescence, especially for boys. Explosive nature, sloppy appearance.
  • Thuja - mandatory after any kind of vaccinations at any age!
  • Ignacia - "boot camp" drug - homesickness and sadness. Separation from loved ones - Natrium muriaticum, Aurum.
  • Sulfur, Calcarea carbonica, Lycopodium, Natrium muriaticum, Varium carbonica, Medorinum - preparations of mental retardation in childhood.
  • Sulfur, Calcarea carbonica, Sodium
  • Muriaticum, Pulsatila, Medorinum - nocturnal urinary incontinence in children.
  • Causticum - day/night urinary incontinence / leakage, inability to go to the toilet.
  • Sodium sulfuricum, Arsen albumin, Psorin, Medorinum - childhood asthma.
  • Cina (Cina), Spigelia - anthelmintics.
  • Mercurias solubilis - stomatitis.
  • Hydrastis, Sarsaparilla - chicken pox (chicken pox). For any yellow sticky discharge (Hydrastis). Cuprum aceticum - smallpox.
  • Condurango - "Hiccups in the corners of the mouth", cracks of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Thuja, then Acidum nitricum / Causticum - Warts, papillomas. Antimonium crudum - Nail deformities, warts, calluses, warts.
  • Aconitum + Gelsemium - onset of weakness and rash during Cory, Pulsatilla - main remedy.
  • Ignacia, Opium, Glonoin, Veratrum albuminum, Beladona, Giosciamus, Hamomilla - convulsions in child after fright.
  • Cypripedium - baby wakes up at night and wants to play.
  • Silicea - rickets, disproportionate development of children. Bone problems, bone problems, spinal curvatures.
  • Antimonium crudum / tartaricum - baby cries if looked at.
  • Sulfur, Calcium carbonicum / phosphoricum, Silicea (consecutive administration from left to right), additionally Ignacia, Causticum, Staphysagria, Acidum sulfuricum - paraplegia in children.
  • Belladonna, Ferus phosphoricum, Calcium sulfuricum, Aconitum, Hamomilla, Hepar sulfur, Mercurias solubilis, Plantago - ear diseases. Calcium sulfuricum - otitis media with rupture and pus of the eardrum. Pulsatilla - children's ottalgia/ear pain.
  • Arum triphylinum - stomatitis in children with crusts around the lips and nose.

Homeopathic medicine cabinet list

Here is an alphabetical list of medications from the first aid kit:

  1. Ac. nitr.
  2. Aconitum
  3. Aesculus
  4. Allium cepa
  5. Aloe
  6. Alumina
  7. Anacardium
  8. Antimonium crudum
  9. Antimonium tart.
  10. Ammon-carb.
  11. Apis
  12. Argentum nitr.
  13. Arnica
  14. Arsenicum alb.
  15. Aurum met.
  16. Baptisia
  17. Barium carb.
  18. Belladonna
  19. Berberis
  20. Brom
  21. Bryonia
  22. Cactus gr.
  23. Calc. carb.
  24. Cantharis
  25. Carbo veg.
  26. Causticum
  27. Cimicifuga
  28. Chamomilla
  29. Chelidonium
  30. Cinchona
  31. Cina
  32. Cocculus
  33. Coccus cacti
  34. Coffea cr.
  35. Colocynthis
  36. Conium
  37. Corallium rubr.
  38. Cuprum met.
  39. Digitalis
  40. Drosera
  41. Dulcamara
  42. Eupatorium perf.
  43. Ferrum ph.
  44. Gelsemium
  45. Glonoinum
  46. Graphites
  47. Gratiola
  48. Hammamelis
  49. Helleborus
  50. Helonias
  51. Hepar sulph.
  52. Hyoscyamus
  53. Hypericum
  54. Ignatia
  55. Iodum
  56. Ipecacuanha
  57. Kalium bichr.
  58. Kalium carb.
  59. Kreosotum
  60. Lac caninum
  61. Lachesis
  62. Lilium tigr.
  63. Ledum
  64. Lycopodium
  65. Magnesia carb.
  66. Magnesia phosph.
  67. Merc.corr.
  68. Merc. sol.
  69. Mezereum
  70. Natrium mur.
  71. Nux vomica
  72. Opium
  73. Platinum met.
  74. Plumbum met.
  75. Phoshorus
  76. Phytolacca
  77. Psorinum
  78. Pulsatilla
  79. Pyrogenium
  80. Ranunculus bulb.
  81. Rhus tox.
  82. Rumex
  83. Ruta
  84. Sabadilla
  85. Sabina
  86. Sarsaparilla
  87. Sanguinaria
  88. Silicea
  89. Secale corn
  90. Sepia
  91. Spigelia
  92. Staphysagria
  93. Stramonium
  94. Strontium carb
  95. Sulphur
  96. Tabacum
  97. Thuja
  98. Veratum alb.
  99. Zincum met.
  100. Urtica urens

Treatment regimens for colds / orivitis / covid-19

Prevent colds or orvi:

  •     Arsene albumin - when in contact with a sick person
  •     Dulcamara - in case of hypothermia

Types of nocturnal fever or onset of illness:

  •     #1: High fever - fever. Face is red lying down; if you lift it up, it is pale. No cough. Agitated. Pulse is frequent and stiff, no perspiration, but most importantly there is fear, especially of death - Aconitum.
  •     No. 2: High fever - fever. Face red sitting up, lying down pale. Pulse is frequent. There may be coughing. Condition is depressed, dejected. The main thing there is sweating is Belladonna.
  •     No. 3: Not high fever - alternating fever and chills. Face is red all the time. Mild rapid pulse. There may be sounds in the lungs. There is sweating. It is Ferum phophoricum - lethargic onset of illness.

Fever worsening - active course of illness.

Fever may worsen, then Aurum is used - high fever, red mucous membranes, open mouth, painful dry cough, hoarseness, corrosive runny nose.

Phosphorus may eventually be needed - choking, hard to expectorate sputum, vomiting from everything, even water.

Sluggish course of the disease

General condition in the body

  •     Gelsemium - weakness and a liquid, non-piercing runny nose
  •     Eupatorium - weakness and body aches

Symptomatology of individual organs

  •     Apis - swelling and redness of the throat
  •     Arsene - sneezing
  •     Potassium bichromic - pulling phlegm down the back of the throat
  •     Euphrasia - leaking from the nose and eyes with the flu
  •     Alium zeppa - corrosive runny nose

Disease progression

  •     Brionia - dry cough
  •     Hepar sulfur - green sputum and cough, runny nose
  •     Ipecacuana - wheezing but coughs up, may vomit, tongue is clear, there is pulmonary edema and shortness of breath
  •     Antimonium tartaricum - severe wheezing and sounds in the lungs. Vomiting may occur.
  •     Corallum rubrum - prolonged flu, red mucous membranes inflamed.

End of illness

  •     Sulfur - for persistent wheezing, alternating fever and chills. This drug should be repeated after taking all the above drugs, in order to fix the achieved result of cure!
  •     Potassium phosphoric - weakness after the flu.

Disease prevention with homeopathy

During epidemics (3 times after 12 hours, then once a week):

  •     Chickenpox - Varicella 30
  •     Rubella - Rubella 30
  •     Measles - Morbillinum 30
  •     Parotitis - Parotidinum 30
  •     Whooping cough - Pertussinum 30

Where can I buy homeopathy in Europe?

Please write in the comments to the article where there is a homeopathic pharmacy in any city of any country in the world!

Spain and France homeopathy is available in any pharmacy. Not everywhere has high potency, but they can make to order if something is not available. Below are the addresses of pharmacies where we personally took homeopathy. Released freely, without a prescription. But it is not cheap, unlike in Ukraine)

Homeopathic pharmacy in Ukraine:

  •     Homeopathic Pharmacy № 5 OJSC "Pharmacy" Tiraspolskaya vulitsya, 13, Odessa, Odessa region, Ukraine, 65000. You can order through the site
  •     Pharmacy "Graciola" Kalinova str. 53, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 49000
  •     "Pharmacy №12" Vidradny avenue, 61, Kiev, Ukraine, 03061
  •     You can buy homeopathy in several pharmacies in Kiev - the official website Through them, by the way, ordered the very first aid kit for travel.
  •     "Homeopatychna Apteka" vulitsya Zelena, 115 b, Lviv, Lviv region, Ukraine, 79000

Homeopathic pharmacy in Spain:

  •     "Farmàcia MARIA TIBAU" Av. Camí de l'Ángel, 22, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona. Not everything is available, but you can order and they will make it in a couple of days.
  •     "Farmacia Serra Mandri Avinguda Diagonal, 478, 08006 Barcelona. It has everything and even high potencies.
  •     "Farmacia Alberdi Álvarez Narrika Kalea, 11, 20003 Donostia, Gipuzkoa. In the old town in San Sebastian we bought homeopathy and I think in this pharmacy, but the pharmacy is found now by google maps, as the address is forgotten)

We can conclude that homeopathy is in every pharmacy in Spain.

Homeopathic pharmacy in France:

Looking for one homeopathic drug in potency 200 in the city of Bordeaux. Could not find in such potency, bought in potency 15. But found that in general homeopathy was in every pharmacy!

Homeopathic pharmacy in Greece:

We can't tell you what the situation is with the preparations in the whole country. But in Athens, in the port of Piraeus, next to the pier E3, there is a pharmacy that even has rare homeopathic medicines.

  • "MOLE Pharmacy" Akti Kondili 40, Pireas 185 45.

A homeopathic pharmacy in Montenegro:

  • There aren't any here at all. But you can try to find one through the Facebook group There I also found homeopathic doctors in Budva and (Dr. Snezana Tomic, tel: +382 69 696 444, email: [email protected])
  • Homeopathy in the World
  • Below is a list of pharmacies where you can buy homeopathy in different countries and cities from people's experience. The information below is from people on Facebook. More info on


  •     "Armon Pharmacy. Moshe Got Levin St 48, Haifa.
  •     "Super Pharm" Pinsker St 69, Tel Aviv-Yafo. The source indicates that the entire chain of pharmacies sells homeopathy.
  •     "Pharmacy Neot Shoshanim. Geulim, 44, Holon.


U.S. buy online - taken from Facebook, all links lead really to homeopathic sites:



    "Helios Homeopathy 89-97 Camden Rd Tunbridge Wells TN1 2QR UK. website


    "Hahnemann Apotheek BV" De Krommert 12-14, 1851 ZE Heiloo


    Website includes addresses of homeopathic pharmacies in Poland


    Shipping homeopathic remedies from Vienna


They seem to write that homeopathy is available in all pharmacies, especially Burgas and Varna.

    "Hahneman" boulevard "3 March" 4A, 9300 Dobrich Center, Dobrich.

Czech Republic:

Available in many pharmacies. List for Prague:

  •     Lékárna U svaté Ludmily - speak English. Center (Prague 2). Average range. On order.
  •     Lékárna Palackého - Pharmacy in the hospital. Very poor assortment (two boxes in the table...). It is impossible to order anything. Only what is available can be bought. Do not speak English. The center (Prague 1).
  •     BENU Lékárna - remote area (Prague 7). They speak English. A good range of products. It is possible to order. The price of a ticket is a few days.
  •     LÉKÁRNA HORNÍ POČERNICE - A distant district (Prague 9). English is spoken. The assortment is not very wide. It is possible to place an order. Delivery every few weeks.
  •     BENU Pharmacy - The center (Prague 1). They speak English. The assortment is large + order and get the desired drug is possible within 1 day.


    "Smith's Compounding Pharmacy 3463 Yonge St, North York, ON M4N 2N3.


    "Zelena Apoteka" 89 Futoška Adamovićevo naselje Novi Sad Južnobački okrug Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina RS 21, Futoška 000, Novi Sad 21000

Below is the list of pharmacies in pictures - information taken from

Гомеопатические аптеки
Гомеопатические аптеки (список)

How often should I take homeopathy?

A lot depends on the remedy and the problem. There is NOTHING universal about homeopathy!!! Everything is strictly individual. The exceptions are: emaciated, old or infant - frequent intakes are not recommended! There are some rules that are worth following, understanding exactly how the drugs work:

  •     Aconitum is an emergency drug, does not belong to the constitutional, so it can be repeated, but only at the beginning of the problem, further it will not only not work, but can work as a poisonous substance.
  •     Crotegus (heart), Actea racemosa (head, gynecology), Iodine (hormones, thyroid), Veratrum viride (head, blood vessels) are drugs of accumulative action and are taken on a long-term basis in rare doses.
  •     Phosphorus - high doses of any drug are given in infrequent doses, especially phosphorus, which can cause severe bleeding.

The sequence of medications should also be followed. For example, Iodine is taken after Sulfur, Lycopodium after Calcium carbonicum.

When to take homeopathy?

It would be more correct to say when necessary. But there are still some rules: on an empty stomach, not with coffee, alcohol, and toothpaste! Toothpaste symbolizes strong essential oils, like peppermint/menthol. Also, some preparations have a clear reference to the time of day: Ignacia and Sulfur are in the morning, Nux vomica in the evening.

Which potency of homeopathic remedy to choose - 6, 30,200, LM...?

Disease is a compensation for something! You need to treat the person, not the disease. The body needs to be pointed to the wrong functioning and it will adjust itself. Homeopathy is like a catalyst, speeds up the reaction, but does not take part in it!!!

Nozod - reflects the depth, degree of the problem and despair. Used at the beginning of treatment or if necessary medications don't work! Used once, not used as a constitutional remedy. Nosodes always go only low potencies.

The potency of homeopathy depends on the level of the person's attitude toward their problem, in addition to what the disease arose from, organic or mental. Organic problems are solved by applying the low potencies of 3,6,9,12 and a maximum of 30. Psychological adjustments are possible with potencies of 200, 1000, LM, etc.

Miasmas in Homeopathy

Miasmas in Homeopathy is something you should study if you have discovered the truth of the great healing power of homeopathy)

Most of the information in this article is specifically about symptomatic treatment - help during travel and beyond. But if you want to get rid of the disease permanently, you need a constitutional remedy. And here it's important to remember - homeopathy doesn't cure, it tunes the body to the right rhythms and the body heals itself. Sounds like "witchcraft"))) That's why you have to come to homeopathy, sometimes even through despair...

To understand what constitutional medicine is and how to prescribe it, you need to understand the nature of the disease. What caused the disease, what preceded it?

According to the ancient school, there are 3 main miasms. According to the modern school, there are 10, but they are still derivatives of the first three!


  1.     Psora is a miasm of struggle - there is no despair, there is doubt. The progenitor of essentially all the diseases on the planet) But at the same time the diseases of this miasm are not deep, are almost not associated with a risk to life and can be easily corrected in skillful hands. But you should not confuse Psoriasis miasm with Psoriasis disease - these are completely different things! The psychological state of people with psoriasis miasm disease is of the nature of doubt and struggle! But the person still has a lot of strength and believes piously in healing! In terms of physiological manifestations this includes wandering and recurring pain at intervals. One drug may work at first, but when the pain repeats in the future, it does not work. In such cases, you should turn to the drug Sulfur or Psorin nosode. Which are able to untwist the "ball of the disease". Or there is, the opinion that at least with a single dose of these drugs you should start treating Psora miasma. Sulfur is the most powerful drug to relieve intoxication. If a person has taken many medications in the past, especially antibiotics, they will definitely need to take Sulfur. The main psoriasis medications are Psorin, Calcarea carbonica, Sulfur, Hepar Sulfur, Nux Vomica, Mercurias solubilis, Sepia, Cuprum, Silicea, Graphite, Carbo Vegetabilis and Animalis, etc. To give you an example, the problem of spinal curvature is a childhood disease and the disease itself is treated exclusively with preparations from Psora miasma. By the way, most children's diseases will be treated with preparations of psoric miasm, unless of course they are aggravated by other miasms. Aggravation by other miasms can also come from the parents' illnesses (e.g. gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.).
  2.     Sycosis is a miasm of humility - despair, but not yet bottom - feeling inadequate and hiding it. Sycotic, Medorinum - nosodes. Thuja and Acidum nitricum are among the basic preparations.  The main drugs Tuja and Acidum nitricum (taken from left to right, after taking the nosode). The main thing about this miasma is to accept the problem and suppress it within yourself. The main diseases are neuroses, asthma, migraines, worms, colic, rheumatism, warts, papillomas, benign tumors. Of the drugs frequently used are Sodium sulfuricum, Silicia, Pulsatilla, Lac caninum, Hina, Zina, Natrium muriatikum, Colocynthium, Antimonium crudum, Spigelia, Strontium carbonicum.
  3.     Syphilis is a miasm of despair - "the bottom of the swamp." The key is the thought - "one cannot cope with the inevitable," one destroys oneself. Syphilinum / Luesinum nosodes. Once diagnosed, gonorrhea, imprints itself on all diseases in the body. Mercurias solubilis - mandatory one-time administration occurs when syphilis is diagnosed. Basic preparations: Aurum, Hepar sulfur, Platinum, Plumbum, Barita carbonica.

Having studied the classical notion of miasms since Hahnemann's time, let's move on to the modern view. The Shankaran School provides the following division of miasms:

1) Acute miasm - threat, danger to life, anxiety, panic - fever, stroke, mania, asthma, i.e. illness from a severe fright/shock, such as loss of high social standing - life becomes unaffordable, displaced from somewhere. The key is fear and a desire to avoid the threat. Aconitum, Belladonna, Stramonium, Veratrum albuminum, Hydrogen, Lituim carbonicum.

  • 1/2) Typhoid miasm (between Acute and Psora) - acute reaction, but with a positive attitude - crisis, anger, anxiety. Decides "yes or no" without hesitation - "pan or bust". As a result, calms down for a while when the goal is reached - "the child with the toy. The child is hysterical about the toy, gets it - shut up. Hamomila, Nux vomica, Ipecacuana, Acidum phosphoricum, Brionia, Rus toxicodendron, Baptisia, Gelsemium, Pyrogenium.
  • 1/3) Malarial miasm (between Acute and Sycosis) - feeling stuck, "loser", "office clerk" - disliking the job but won't do anything, suppressing and accepting the problem with anger and rage. Concern - cutting, shooting pains, annoyance - cramps, discontent - complaints. Hina, Natrium muriatikum, Colocinum, Antimonium crudum, Cina, Spigelia.

2) Psora is a fight for his health, with the possibility and belief in recovery. Fears he won't make it, but he does. "Apprentice on a driving course" - can't do it, fears it, but learns and gets it done. Problems of insecurity, stress, hope of success - sickness from loss of reputation, thirst for not a lot of money, but stable. Sulfur, Psorin, Calcium carbonicum, Lycopodium, Cuprum.

  • 2/3) Dermatomycosis (between Psora and Siskosis) - struggles to succeed with insufficient faith in himself. Struggles, but if he loses, he gives up. Problem of individuality and safety. Calcium sulfuricum, Magnesium sulfuricum.

3) Sycosis - acceptance of the problem - weakness / inability, fixated on himself and his failures. Attempt to hide one's fragility, fear of being hit. Thuja, Medorinum, Sodium sulfuricum, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Laca caninum.

  • 3/4) Cancer (between Sycosis and Syphilis) - with extra effort a positive outcome is possible, but failure kills completely.A disease of too early responsibility, such as "child in a troubled family". When a child is forced to take on the functions and responsibilities of an adult. Control and anger problems, annoyance is a ripping pain. Carcinosinum, Arsenium albuminum, Ignatia, Potassium arsenicosum, Conium, Staphysagria, Anacardium.
  • 3/4) TB miasm (between Sycosis and Syphilis) - oppression and burden of someone with something, struggle, aggression, "trapping" - suffocation, hurrying, mobility. Desire to run free, to break free "quickly and destructively. Little time, but much to do - destruction, if fails. Bacillinum, Tuberculinum, Drosera, Phosphorus, Calcium phosphoricum, Tarantula hispanica, Abromatum.
  • 3/4/4 Leprosy (between Tuberculosis and Syphilis) is hopeless. Isolation, oppression, reaction to domination. Everyone has abandoned the person alone. The delusion that everyone is disgusted or conversely so treated by everyone, when he himself is on the crest of success. Secale cornutum, Sepia, Curare, Aloe, Coca, Iodum, Hura

4) Syphilis - hands down, no way out - "captain of the ship. The impulse to destroy yourself/everything around you or to take over everything - all responsibility from hopelessness - you cannot cope with the inevitable. Fanaticism for everyone and everything. Old age. Isolation, lack of individuality, living someone else's life. Syphilinum, Mercurias solubilis, Alumina, Aurum, Hepar sulphur, Platinum, Plumbum, Barium carbonica, Argentum nitricum, Potassium bichromicum, Calcium phosphoricum, Phytolyaka.

The drug kingdoms in homeopathy

The right choice of constitutional medication is not only based on the miasma, it is also very important to determine the realm of medication to which your particular patient belongs. The choice of the drug realm is based not only on the problem itself, but also on the style of the problem! "Mineral" patients - will rush with facts, figures, dates, diagnoses and any other "dry" information (Sulfur - impersonal, Arsen - with personal remarks). "Plant" patients - will describe predominantly their feelings and condition from the problem, while paying some attention specifically to the symptoms (Pulsatilla). "Animal" patients - will be more likely to complain and show solid emotion rather than describe the problem itself (Sepia).

The key question of

  1.     of minerals - What am I lacking in? What am I missing?
  2.     Plants - What affects me?
  3.     animals - Key question of animals - Who affects me?

If all the issues fit, then you need to resort to a nosode, depending on the person's condition:

  •     Psorin - if a struggle is on the face of it.
  •     Medorin - if the person is trying to hide something, turning a blind eye to the disease
  •     Syphilinum - if desperate and not waiting for a cure.

Minerals - structure and organization. these are preparations of pure elements from the Mendeleev table or their compounds (salts, acids, metals). The main problem here is the structure - the desire to create it and keep it from being destroyed. For example, to preserve a relationship with someone important. Lanthanides, an understudied area in minerals. This group of elements comes to the rescue when the classical elements of the Mendeleev table are exhausted. Often this one will be diseases of deep miasms. For example, it is the minerals, namely Calcium and Barium salts, that cover most childhood problems. They are the ones associated with the formation of personality and awareness of one's own self. Something is missing or something can be lost - the problem is only inside!

  1. Acids are a "struggle"-collapse. Acids often cover various kinds of body exhaustion combined with apathy or fatigue combined with hurriedness:

    Фосфорная кислота - из-за наличия Фосфора - сочувствие к проблемам других, но при этом ощущение, что недополучают любовь. Препараты кислот (Ацмдум) - костоеды, гниения костей, параличи.

  • physical - muriatikum (inorganic acids based on the element Chlorine)
  • mental - picrinicum (organic acids, phenolic derivatives)
  • emotional - phosphoricum (inorganic acids based on the element Phosphorus)
  1. Salts (Cation+Anion-) - "relationship support"/balance - weakness. Sodium Chlorine (Natrium muriaticum) - balancing between needing a relationship and being betrayed. Amonium - anger, aggression, anger suppression, destructive criticism of everything. Nitricum - desire for exit, space.
  2. Metals - protection/performance problem. Of current modern problems - anorexia and bulimia - solved by taking Vanadium or Barium salts.
  • Manganum, Ferum, Cobalt, Nicollum, Cuprum, Zinc - concerned with protection more than with fulfillment. Ferum, Cuprum, Zinc - debt to someone, guilt due to failure, similar to Potassium and Bromium at first glance.
  • Radium, Palladium, Argentum, Cadmium, Indium - concerned with fulfillment rather than protection.
  • Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Aurum, Mercurias, Thallium - strong problems of execution/protection.


Cations - need for relationships.

  •     Sodium, Potassium - concerned about forming relationships. Potassium - self-confidence, self-centeredness. Sodium - grieving for having Potassium)
  •     Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium - need for support. Magnesium - fear of being alone, of being abandoned. Calcium - what others think of him - he cares - childhood problems. Barium - idiocy, fear of ridicule - childhood problems.
  •     Borax, Alumina - confusion.

Anions - relationship retention.

  •     Carbonicum, Silicea - unreactive in relationships. Carbon - father/environment problem.
  •     Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Antimonium crudum, Bismuth - "unloved", fear of loneliness, clinging to company. Phosphorus - empathy, change of objects of empathy, sociability, desire to travel.
  •     Sulfur, Selenium - aversion to company. Inability to work, expectations of others. Sulfur - not good enough, fear of losing a loved one.

Halogens - feeling let down / betrayed.

  • Muriatikum (Chlorine) - "mother" problem - self-pity.
  • Floratum - money and sex.
  • Bromine - guilt and escapism.
  • Iodine - right to exist must be earned - their creed is the problem of retirees without jobs, feel they are not needed.

Plants - The Problem of Sense and Sensation - "Sickness Affects Human Life. Pains related to sensitivity (Hamomilla, Copeia) predominate here. Soft, vulnerable, emotional. Fear of having their feelings hurt. Something affects them, they are able to accept something (not encouraged)!

Feelings = Reactions.

In the plant kingdom we can distinguish families with distinctive mental symptoms:

  •     Conifers (conifers) - I am affected by a split/break.
  •     Compositae (Compositae) - I am affected by a wound
  •     Euphorbiaceae (thrush) - I am affected by binding / breaking free
  •     Malvales - separating hurts me
  •     Papavaraceae - I can't stand the pain
  •     Scrophulariaceae - I care about connections.
  •     Anacardiaceae - caught in motion
  •     Cruciferae (cabbages) - blocked feeling with the current.
  •     Cactaceae (cacti) - pinching pains associated with paspiration.

Animals are the main problem of competition and rivalry/competition - "Disease Attacks Man. There is a struggle and conflict, both within and with someone, including the disease! - A split, a division into the "animal" and the human. (Sepia, Tarantula). Someone (inspiring everything) is affecting the person, it is the other person/sickness that is the problem! Grievance is a separate organism, it is stronger and attacks the person. Need to attract attention to themselves and survive at all costs, even at the cost of deception.

  •     Spiders - "fall into the trap", speed, deceit - paralysis. Aranea, Teridion, Latrodectus, Tarantula.
  •     Insects - increased activity, fear of attack, anger, lack of morals, rivalry. Apis, Cantharis, Formica rufa.
  •     Mammals - "herdiness", problem of safety and relationships in a group / among relatives. Lac caninum, Ambra grisea.
  •     Snakes - "strangling", lying, intrigue, rivalry, sense of persecution, fear of death and attacks. Lahesis, Naya, Crotalus cascavella, Vipera.

Miasmus - Realm of the Drug = Depth of the Problem - Problem

tall boy - tall (miasm) who? = boy (realm) what?

Treat the condition, not the pathology! The disease may correspond to miasm #1, but the human condition may correspond to #2, then it is miasm #2 that must be chosen. More important is the condition of the person, how he feels his disease!

  •     Potassium carbonic - relationship need - struggle for it = psora miasm
  •     Potassium arsenicosum - need to preserve / protect relationship - despair = cancer myasm

Constitutional preparations in homeopathy

In homeopathic treatment there is the concept of constitutional types. In this case, we are mainly talking about the psychological picture. But the physical symptoms will also be the same for each particular constitutional type, which confirms the connection between the psyche and the physical symptoms.

  •     Sepia is an exclusively middle-aged female drug, mostly with gynecologic problems.
  •     Lahesis is the drug of jealous women. It is especially indicated during menopause. "Bifurcation", doubts, suspicions, indecision. Outbursts of anger and aggression - suppression of emotions, sexuality and desires - bleeding, crushing pains, especially throat.
  •     Pulsatile - tearful, pity-seeking woman. Tears, fickleness of symptoms, weakness and suppleness - the opposite of Lahesis.
  •     Lycopodium is a dictator and tyrant's drug, making it often prescribed to men who are in control of everything.
  •     Arsenicum albumin is the drug of the modern successful businessman, who has a lot of things and is afraid of losing a lot of things. First and foremost, he is afraid of losing control. The motto is "if you want to do well, do it yourself.
  •     Nux vomica is the drug of irritable and intolerant people (often men). Graciola is the female counterpart.
  •     Calcium carbonic, Calcium phosphoric, Calcium fluoric, Silicea are pediatric preparations. Calcium carbonic - afraid to do things, but if taken, will drive themselves to exhaustion - "marathon runners", not "sprinters".

Constitution and how the patient describes his condition

  •     Pulsatila (herbal medication) - rambunctious, tearful, lots of symptoms and complaints with conveying personal details and observations.
  •     Nux vomica (herbal medication) and Lahesis (animal medication) - boisterous, convincing.
  •     Lycopodium (herbal medicine)- detached, restrained, except for particularly vivid symptoms.
  •     Sepia (animal preparation)-complete complaints.
  •     Sulfur (mineral preparation)-in medical terms and impersonal.
  •     Arsen (mineral preparation)- mixture of technical information with personal remarks + anxiety.
  •     Calcium carbonic (mineral preparation)-accurately, with hopelessness.
  •     Phosphorus (mineral preparation)-bright, artistic description of symptoms.

Homeopathy by character / disposition and distinctive traits:

  •     caution, timidity - Calcium, Silicea, Pulsatilla.
  •     poor learning ability - Barium, Buffo.
  •     boldness, risk-taking, flaunting desire - Platinum, Lahesis, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Mercurias.
  •     mischief, tomfoolery - Mercurias, Giosciamus, Opium, Veratrum, Belladonna.
  •     boldness, recklessness, rebelliousness - Mercurias, Opium, Tarantula, Tuberculinum.
  •     Does not distinguish between bad/good - Barium carbonicum.
  •     anger, destruction, aggression - Giosciamus, Lahesis, Nux vomica, Mercurias, Tarantulla.

Hot / Cold Types of Homeopathic Medicines

In relation to heat, cold, wind, and sun, there is a very strong division between people and the preparations that help them. Below are the most striking preparations, although in fact every preparation relates to heat - cold in one way or another. Which often makes for a better choice of medication, all other things being equal in symptoms.

    Hepar sulfur, Nux vomica - wind chill, freezing with windows open.

  •     Iodine, Apis, Lahesis - liking the icy wind and open windows.
  •     Glonoin, Belladonna, Phosphorus - get sick from the sun and heat, don't like lying on the beach at all.
  •     Pulsatilla - wrap up in clothes and turn on the heater.
  •     Sulfur - does not freeze even in the cold.

Men's / Women's Homeopathic Medicines

There is no clear division! But years of experience of many homeopathic physicians allow us to distinguish some particularly striking preparations, e.g.:

  •     Sepia, Actea racemosa are feminine, as they are related to gynecological problems.
  •     Lycopodium and Nux Vomica (the female counterpart of Graciol) are the male preparations of dictators and tyrants who consider themselves the unqualified head of the family. The drugs of intolerant and irritable husbands. Arsenicum albumin can often also be attributed to the constitutional type of just the man - the modern businessman.
  •     Pulsatilla and Lahesis - more often act feminine, since they are based on the manifestation of exactly emotions - jealousy, tears, resentment, mood swings, etc.

Emergency homeopathic remedies

Often such remedies are appropriate for severe fears, desire to avoid danger, panic, fever, stroke, mania, choking, loss of consciousness, etc.

Aconitum, Belladonna, Stramonium, Veratrum albuminum and viride, Acidum hydrocyanicum and all Acidum in general, Camphor, Carbo vegetabilis, Crotalus cascavella, Curare, Gelsemium, Glonoin, Ipecacuana, Laurocerazus, Morphine, Nux vomica, Secale cornutum, Tatartula, Hydrogenum, Lithium carbonicum and bromatum, Asterias rubens, Berelium metallicum.

If the disease occurred AFTER:

  •     various childhood illnesses - Psorinum, Sulfur.
  •     measles, severe cough - Tuberculinum, Carcinosinum.
  •     Puberty (girls' hormonal maturation - the beginning or absence of menstruation) - Pulsatilla.
  •     Childbirth, miscarriage, abortion - Sepia.
  •     Menopause - Lahesis.
  •     grief - Natrium muriatikum.
  •     mental overstrain - Silicea, Potassium phosphoricum.
  •     Colds - Gelsemium, Carbo vegetabilis, Psorinum.
  •     pneumonias - Sulfur, Phosphorus, Tuberculinum, Psorinum.
  •     head injuries - Arnica, Sodium sulfuricum.
  •     abdominal operations - Staphysagria.
  •     Vaccinations - Thuja.
  •     Viral infection - Natrium muriatikum, Psorinum.
  •     Mononucleosis - Carcinosine, Cistus canadensis.
  •     Hepatitis - Phosphorus, Psorinum.
  •     rash - Antimonium crudum / tartaricum.

Similar homeopathic remedies - how to choose?

  •     Purulent processes: Belladona (#1) - inflammation, before pus begins to form. Hepar sulfur (#2) (early stages of infection, but pus is already formed, it is thick, creamy, rapid course of the disease / active stage) and Silicea (chronic stage, suppuration proceeds slowly, is liquid, watery or bloody). Mercurias (#3) - pus formed. Myristica sebifera is a strong antiseptic, stronger than Hepar sulfur and Silicea in suppuration. It is used for suppuration of bones and joints. Lahesis and Silicea are used in stage #4, Sulfur is the convalescence/cleansing stage #5. Crotallus horridus, Lahesis, Tarantula cubensis, Anthracinum, Pyrogenium, Sepsis - fast and acute sepsis. Hepar sulfur, Silicea, Mercurias - slow purulent disease, chronic.
  •     Mental disorders: Natrium muriaticum (sadness, sorrow, chronic), Staphysagria (resentment), Ignatia (disappointment, jealousy, grief immediately after loss, acute) - initial preparations, Acidum phosphoricum (depression, chronic) - deep grief / chronic, passivity and complete apathy. Amonium carbonicum - irritability and aggression, shouting, Barium carbonicum - withdrawal with stupor, fear of ridicule. Carcinosine - deep depression.

Acidum phosphoricum, Sodium muriaticum, Carcinosine - depression, complete apathy, but only Carcinosine loses personality and has no self-respect, like Barium. But Barium goes on living, while Acidum phosphoricum, Sodium muriaticum, and Carcinosine become reclusive. In childhood, a frequent cause is the divorce of the parents.

  •     Childhood illnesses: Silicea and Calcarea carbonica are both characterized by sweating, fear of the night, and tonsil disease. But Silicea has increased chilliness, coarsening of the skin.
  •     Businessmen's drugs: Arsenicum album (total control, distrust, anger) and Nux vomica (haste, irritability).
  •     Weakness - Conium a drug of old age, for exhaustion and paralysis. Similar to Gelsemium (viral infections, autoimmune diseases) and Zinc. Weakness from nerves - Acidum phosphoricum, weakness combined with anemia - Ferrum metallicum. Weakness from loss of "juices": blood, semen, milk, diarrhea, etc. - Hina.
  •     Seizures: Belladonna (delirium and raving) or Giosciamus - numbness. Belladonna or Lahesis (if there is blood poisoning), Lycopodium, Acidum muriaticum, Arsene.

List of literature on homeopathy:

The following is a list of the literature on which all of the above information is based, with a subjective assessment of the value of the books from the author of this article.

Home First Aid Kit

  • Homeopathy - Köhler Gerhard - 2000 - 608 p. In the book, the remedies are grouped by disease type, with a brief description of the action of the remedies. The book is aimed at symptomatic treatment and emergency cases. Suitable for home medicine cabinet.
  • A. Katin, M. Katina, Fundamentals of Homeopathy. Belarusian School. - Medical literature, 2010. - 268 с. Suitable for a home medicine cabinet.
  • Homeopathy for Children: Everything You Need to Know about the Natural Health of Children / Gabriel Pinto, Murray Feldman. - V. Petrashek. - M.:AIR-PRESS, 2004. - 272 с. Describes the most common childhood diseases and drugs for self-help. Suitable for home medicine cabinet.

Materia Medica

  •     Vavilova N.M. Homeopathic pharmacodynamics: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association "Homeopathic Center"; Moscow: Med Center "Everest", 1994. - Ч. 1.- 504 p., Part 2,- 475 p. The book provides a description of mineral and plant preparations (elements of chemistry and biology). With a detailed description of groups of substances and the action that they have on the body. Physiological symptoms are studied. Obligatory for in-depth study - the material of Materia Medica.
  •     Bericke B, Materia Medica of homeopathic preparations. - Smolensk.: Homeopathic medicine, 2006. - 720 с. Materia medica is a chic board book.
  •     Tyler, Margaret Lucy. Portraits of homeopathic medicines: in 2 h. : Russian edition / Margaret Lucy Tyler ; ed. by Dmitriev V. K. ; [translated from English : Bogachuk Alexander Petrovich]. - Moscow : Homeopathic medicine, 2006. Materia medica. Includes a detailed description of some of the best known and most frequently used remedies from various sources. Suitable for in-depth study of mainly physical symptoms of the drugs.
  •     Philip Bailey: Carcinosinum. Clinical Materia Medica. - Moscow: Homeopathic Medicine, 2004. - 112 с. The book describes the drug Carcinosinum, giving its extended picture of physical and mental symptoms. The main is a comparison of Carcinosine with other similar drugs in the miasma (Arsen, Potassium Carbonicum and others).
  •     Ivaniv A.P. Homeopathic remedies in neurology and medical rehabilitation of patients with lesions of the nervous system. - Odessa: Astroprint, 2003. - 288 с. A book for physicians and in-depth study of homeopathic remedies that are used in nervous diseases. Materia medica.

For an in-depth study of homeopathy

  •     Rajan Shankaran. Feeling in Homeopathy / M.: Similia, 2006. - 510 с. A book for in-depth study of homeopathy. Describes the detailed classification of miasms in modern conditions. Describes that it is necessary to treat the person, not the disease, and gives a concept of how to do it! A questionnaire for the homeopath is given. A list of miasmatic remedies is given and what a miasm is explained. Treatment cases are described, for a deeper understanding of the book's theoretical information.
  •     Shankaran Rajan. Insight into the essence of plants / M.: Similia, 2006. - 488 с.
  •     Vijaykar Prafull. Predictive Homeopathy. Part 1. Theory of Suppression. Moscow: Similia, 2002. - 128 с. The book is suitable for an in-depth study of homeopathy, namely, the theory of disease suppression. Cases of diseases and their cure are described. Requires the knowledge of a medical professional. For professional homeopaths.
  •     Vijaykar P. Predictive Homeopathy. Ч2. Theory of acute diseases, 2005.- 150 p. Is of an introductory general nature.
  •     Vanier Leon. Homeopathic Constitutions. Diagnosis and therapy / M.: Techart-Plaz, 2004. - 67 с. The most common constitutional types of people are described. Given groups of diseases and the main drugs for their treatment. Suitable for home medicine cabinet.
  •     Scholten Jan. Homeopathy and minerals / M.: Similia, 2000. - 304 с. Describes in detail the rules of the choice of mineral preparations, based on the psychological picture of the patient. The essence is given element by element of the whole Mendeleev's Table.
  •     Hahnemann S. Chronic diseases. - Smolensk: Homeopathic Medicine, 2000. Suitable for beginners in homeopathy. But these basics are described several times each in any other book.
  •     Gehring K. Analytical repertory of symptoms of consciousness / M.:Knizhitsa , 2003. - 491 с. Suitable for a detailed study of the symptoms of the disease, in order to narrow down, the prescribed drugs.

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